
Okay, so even if we forgive "Taxi," Jimmy Fallon's new romantic comedy "Fever Pitch" still looks God awful, even if you're a Red Sox fan. With this new Farrely brothers movie (who have officially "lost it"), Fallon now officially wishes he was Adam Sandler, co-starring with Drew Barrymoore. Back when Fallon was giggling throughout skits on SNL, I couldn't help but think that if he was paired with the right trend of the moment (in this case, a team that's heroic for not losing every single time), it could mean money in the bank. Excuse me while I gag. Here's a intentional walk down baseball movie memory lane, but you won't find obvious choices like "Field of Dreams," "The Natural" or "Bull Durham" here, only totally awesome movies like these following flicks:

"Summer Catch" - 2001
Freddy Prinze Jr. where have you been? Unless you're into the "Scooby Doo" movies, Freddy Prinze has been seriously M.I.A. over the past few years. What is hollywood without this super stud? He totally drank all that shampoo for Julia Styles! "Summer Catch" is arguably his best movie, with the totally awesome dialogue delivered by Jessica Biel after she charges the mound to greet the Prinze pitcher hottie: "Let's be together!"
"Hardball" - 2001
What do a bunch of troubled inner city kids in Chi-town need to set them straight? Clearly Keanu Reeves. "Hardball" has one of the saddest child deaths in film when we learn that G-Baby has been shot. This is second only to the news of Lil' Saint's death in "You Got Served." When I saw that, I was wiping the tears from my face with my doo-rag. This one's for Lil' Saint.

"Ed" - 1996
Let's take the goofy dude from that really successful sitcom and put him in a zany sports-themed buddy comedy with... a chimpanzee! It's as good as it sounds. It was probably also the inspiration behind those "Most Valuable Primate" movies. "Friends" co-star + baseball playing chimp - common sense = money in the LeBlanc.
"The Sandlot" - 1994
Wow, so this movie needs no introduction. Personally, I think it's the greatest baseball film ever made. Can I say that right now? It's got it all and then some. I have modeled my entire life after Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez. But, actually, I'm more like the nerdy main character that ends up being the announcer at the end. That's more me, watching and commenting on others' success. I'll be depressed for-e-ver.
"Rookie of the Year" - 1993
After I saw this movie, I totally tried to break my own arm, thinking that it would make me a great pitcher. It didn't pan out. But, what did make me feel better is watching Thomas Ian Nichols' career go absolutely nowhere after his role as Tara Reid's horny boyfriend in "American Pie." Although, he was in "Halloween Resurrection," which has the single greatest line of dialogue ever, delivered by none other than Busta Rhymes. "Michael Myers is a killer shark... in baggy ass overalls." Genius.
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